In this class, my expectation for a highly interactive class was met. I was eager to know how multimedia and interactive learning differs from usual learning. During the class, I learned that multimedia learning content is recognized by the presence of pictures, video, sound, animation, text, and any combination that is organized into a form of the coherent program (Mayer, 2014). Multimedia tools help me to understand the challenges that might arise in real-life situations. For example, YouTube videos are a great way of interactive learning. It helps learners to recognize the challenges that might arise during problem-solving in the real workplace environment. Videos and photos enable learners to play back and capture a context that could not be accurately captured in the classroom.


Multimedia and interactive learning stimulates understanding because they leverage the brain’s power of making connections between verbal content and visual representations. The modern scope of learning that requires higher-level thinking, collaborative skills, and problem-solving is supported by multimedia and interactive tools.

Source: Pixabay

Sharing multimedia information in the class and participation in class is done more conveniently using PowerPoint presentations, video calls, skype, WhatsApp, and WeChat, thereby helping learners to access information and build confidence through interactions. According to Juliani (2014), learning through interactive and multimedia tools help learners to access a large pool of information using digital and smart devices. Non-digital technologies such as music helped me to learn through songs. Businesses and learning institutions should now integrate interactive tools and multimedia content to stimulate learning.


Mayer, R. E. (Ed.). (2014). The Cambridge Handbook of Multimedia Learning (2nd ed.). Cambridge University Press.

Juliani, A. J. (2014, January 31). The Hidden Importance of Teaching With Stories. A.J. JULIANI.