The SAMR Model
Although multimedia learning can help students to learn better, instructors need to monitor its use using an appropriate evaluation model. The Substitution Augmentation Modification Redefinition (SAMR) Model is one of those models that were explained during week 6. According to Bates (2020), it helps educators to understand the context of multimedia learning, whether the goal is to enhance learning or to transform learning. In the enhancement context, technology is used to substitute or augment learning, while in the transformation context, technology is used to modify or redefine learning. In various courses, my instructors have applied the SAMR model. Most learning begins by enhancement. After covering the basics, the instructors use technology to transform learning. For example, in project management, the instructor begins by introducing learners to scheduling projects using handwritten diaries. In the substitution stage, the instructor substitutes handwritten diaries with google calendar using smartphones or computers. In the modification stage, the instructor ask students to draw project schedules using google sheets and incorporate google calendar into the google sheets. This helps students to share their project schedules with others using the google sheets, thereby redefining the art of scheduling.
Sketch-noting is a useful way of organizing and summarizing the key ideas from a meeting, class, video, and other learning instances. It combines visuals such as images, pictures, arrows, charts, and graphs to help a person remember the key ideas (Duckworth & Sylvia, 2015). I think sketch-noting will help me to engage my mind in learning. Instead of writing notes, Dr. Puentedura’s argues that sketch-noting assist people to remember patterns, flow-charts, people, and events (What is the Purpose of School, 2020). It is among the few multimedia skills that do not rely on technology, including billboards, off-site signs, translucent rulers, portable whiteboard, and non-digital drawing boards. Figure 1 shows how I used sketch-noting to summarize a YouTube video on how to develop a resilient mind in difficult situations. It makes the video more fan to watch and exciting to remember because I rephrased it in my own way.

Bates, T. (2020). Choosing Media.
What is the Purpose of School? (2020) Demystifying SAMR with Dr. Ruben Puentedura.
Duckworth, Sylvia. (2015, April 2). New #sketchnote The SAMR Model @karlyb @ICTEvangelist @ShakeUpLearning #elemchat @TheTechRabbi #ipaded #ipadedchat [Tweet]. @sylviaduckworth.
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